
Simple Command

You can use the os_command module to create a Command object, which takes a list as input, here an example with a simple ls command:

>>> cmd_list = ['ls', '-a', '.']
>>> cmd_test = Command(list_cmd=cmd_list)

You can use the display() function to print the command:

>>> cmd_test.display()
ls -a .

An the the run() function to excectute it, the return code will be return in a dictionnary:

>>> return_code =
>>> print(return_code['stdout'])

Here is another example with the command wc:

>>> cmd_list = ['wc', './1y0m.pdb']
>>> cmd_test_2 = Command(list_cmd=cmd_list)
>>> cmd_test_2.display()
wc ./1y0m.pdb
>>> return_code =
>>> print('Number of line = {}  word = {} char = {}'.format(
... *return_code['stdout'].split()[:3]))
Number of line = 1627  word = 18466 char = 13...

Defining environment

The define_env can also be used on the Command object to change an environmnent variable:

>>> print(os.getenv('USELESS'))
>>> cmd_list = ['ls', '-lsh']
>>> cmd_test = Command(list_cmd=cmd_list)
>>> cmd_test.display() 
ls -lsh
>>> # Here we define the $USELESS env. variable:
>>> cmd_test.define_env(os.environ.update({'USELESS': 'Changed'}))
>>> return_code =
>>> print(os.getenv('USELESS'))

Run a job in background

A command can also be ran in background using run_background(). It is permitting to run a parallel function, to eg. survey the command output. The function working in parallel has to be define in the monitor dictionnary with 'function' as key, everyother keys of monitor can be used for the monitor function.

Here we run a bash command sleep for 1 second, and use a python function function_iter() that print out "X" every tenth of a seconds:

>>> import time
>>> # Create the function that will run while the command is running
>>> def function_iter(proc, dict):
...     while proc.poll() is None:
...         time.sleep(dict['refresh_time'])
...         print('X', end='')
>>> monitor = {'function': function_iter,
...            'refresh_time': 0.1}
>>> # Create the command
>>> cmd_list = ['sleep', '1']
>>> background_test = Command(list_cmd=cmd_list)
>>> background_test.display()
sleep 1
>>> return_code = background_test.run_background(monitor,
... display=True)